на русском

I. Theology


Sergey Kornev

Anthropological foundations of transhumanism in the light of the Orthodox teaching about human


For citation:

Kornev S. Antropologicheskiye osnovaniya transgumanizma v svete pravoslavnogo ucheniya o cheloveke [Anthropological foundations of transhumanism in the light of the Orthodox teaching about human] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 13–25. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_13


Abstract: The article reveals the anthropological and ethical foundations of transhumanism as the doctrine of overcoming suffering by technical means. It is noted that the basis of the anthropology of transhumanism is the functional understanding of man, in which the body is thought of as one of the functions that can and should be modified in order to improve human nature. The fundamental incompatibility of transhumanistic anthropology and the OrthodoX teaching about man, which is characterized by the recognition of the ontological unity of soul and body and the unconditional value of the latter, is shown. The transhumanistic concept of getting rid of suffering is compared with the OrthodoX understanding of the essence of sorrows, diseases and sufferings. It is emphasized that suffering can only be considered as a relative evil in the context of the purpose of human life, that is, salvation. An attempt is made to determine the criteria for the admissibility of transhumanistic practices. The conclusion is made that it is impossible for Orthodoxy to have a dialogue with transhumanism without transhumanists reconsidering the doctrine of man.


Keywords: anthropology, ethics, man, body, human nature, transhumanism, Orthodoxy, theology, suffering, diseases.



Author information:

Sergey Kornev;

Student of Master's course, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities;

23B, Novokuznetskaya str., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation;

Email: c_k_2016@inbоx.ru

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Alexei Maslov, Priest Alexander Kuzmin

The true existence of man according to the teaching of St. Simeon the New Theologian

For citation:

Maslov A., Kuzmin A., priest. Podlinnoye sushchestvovaniye cheloveka po ucheniyu prepodobnogo Simeona Novogo Bogoslova [The true existence of man according to the teaching of St. Simeon the New Theologian] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 26–46. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_26


Abstract: The article reveals the main aspects of the teaching of St. Simeon the New Theologian about deification from the perspective of the problems of authentic and inauthentic human existence. An analysis of this teaching is carried out in comparison with the thoughts of some representatives of modern philosophy and sociology. The concept of mysticism is also revealed, the teaching of modern philosophy about the authenticity and inauthenticity of human existence is assessed, and the concepts of existence and deification are differentiated. The article provides characteristics of the authentic and inauthentic existence of a person from the position of the Christian teaching of St. Simeon and from the point of view of some representatives of philosophy and sociology. It is concluded that existence and deification are not the same thing; it is said that inauthentic existence manifests itself in the form of imitation and oblivion, but genuine existence — in the vision of truth, “divine light”, God. The main sign of genuine existence is human repentance and questioning (prayer) (Heb. 5:7–9), and of inauthentic existence — pride and oblivion, which were the reasons for the fall of the first man Adam.


Keywords: Eastern mysticism, deification, authentic human existence, inauthentic human existence, existence, imitation, freedom, repentance, pride.



Authors information:

Alexei Maslov;

Student, Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: majority@mail.ru

Priest Alexander Kuzmin;
Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy;
Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology, Junior researcher;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: ortodoxotvet@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-2623-8562

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Hieromonk Herman (Andrey Lytus), Dina Sokolova

Russian Orthodox Church in a multicultural state: the example of the Australian Union

For citation:

German (Lytus A.), hieromonk, Sokolova D. Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' v mul'tikul'turnom gosudarstve: primer Avstraliyskogo Soyuza [Russian Orthodox Church in a multicultural state: the example of the Australian Union] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 47–61. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_47


Abstract: The article gives a brief description of the spiritual situation in the Australian Union. The first OrthodoX liturgies were served by the ship's priests for the sailors who made round-the-world voyages. Stationary churches arose in the first third of the 20th century, when a significant number of refugees from Russia moved to Australia. The flourishing of Orthodoxy on Australian land is associated with the establishment of communist power and the beginning of the persecution of Christians in China. Many Russians who settled there after the revolution of 1917 were forced to once again look for a safe place to live. Currently, there are OrthodoX churches in all major cities of Australia. OrthodoX communities are active in spiritual and educational activities and include not only the descendants of Russian immigrants, but also representatives of other nationalities.


Keywords: Orthodoxy in Australia, religions in Australia, Russian emigrants, social role of the parish.



Authors information:

Hieromonk Herman (Andrey Lytus);

Candidate of Theology;
Vice-Rector for educational work, Senior Lecturer, Department of Church History;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: lytus@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-9464-8809

Dina Sokolova;
Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy
Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: felkon.87@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-6715-5822

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II. Philosophy


Yuliya Duplinskya

The doctrine of evolving humanity in the perspective of the development of High Hume technologies: a critical analysis


For citation:

Duplinskya Yu. Doktrinaevolyutsioniruyushchegochelovechestva v perspektiverazvitiya High-Hume tekhnologiy: kriticheskiyanaliz [The doctrine of evolving humanity in the perspective of the development of High Hume technologies: a critical analysis] // Trudy Saratovskoipravoslavnoidukhovnoiseminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 62–79. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_62


Abstract: It is stated that the topic of the relationship between science and religion is regaining relevance, since science begins to claim the status of a new "religion of the 21st century." The evolutionary paradigm, outgrowing the framework of science, begins to transform into something like a new religious ideology. Science tries to create projects of salvation of mankind and projects of immortality competing with traditional religions. The example is a technoproject known as transhumanism, the purpose of which is proclaimed as the improvement of man on the basis of the latest technologies and the transition from humanity to the "highest race" — posthumanity. A peculiar convergence is stated between neo-occult teachings on the evolution of human races and counter-intentions on the part of science. It is proved that good intentions to improve homo sapiens with the help of high-hume technologies can lead to a violation of fine balance and a breakdown into one of the opposite poles of psychopathology of altered states of consciousness. The prospects for the techno-evolutionary development of mankind in the aspect of the appearance of such a symptom of schizophrenic disorders as a multiple personality are analyzed. It is concluded that destructive changes in the psyche will occur not in the line of a single highway, but in polar opposite directions: 1. in the direction of simplifying the human personality, when meaningful actions are reduced to automatics of machine-like behavior, 2. in the direction of excessive complication of the psyche, which generates symptoms of schizophrenic splitting.


Keywords: evolutionary paradigm, technoevolution, transhumanism, psychopathology of altered states of consciousness.



Author information:

Yuliya Duplinskya;

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor;
Professor of Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy;
Saratov State University;
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: duplinskayay@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-1990-6828

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Stanislav Gurin

The phenomenon of foolishness for Christ. A review of the modern Russian literature. T. Goricheva

For citation:

Gurin S. Fenomen yurodstva. Obzor sovremennoy literatury. T. Goricheva. [The phenomenon of foolishness for Christ. A review of the modern Russian literature. T. Goricheva] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 80–107. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_80


Abstract: The article reviews the modern Russian literature (after 1991) devoted to the study of the phenomenon of foolishness for the sake of Christ. Holy fools are the rank of saints of the OrthodoX Church, who bore a special spiritual and ascetic feat, which consisted of abandoning the generally accepted norms of life and accepting for the sake of humility a special way of behavior that looks like the behavior of a person deprived of reason. Foolishness for Christ's sake is a rare form of holiness, specific, exceptional. Foolishness for Christ's sake has a historical and cultural framework. This is a phenomenon of Orthodoxy, mainly Russian Orthodoxy of the Middle Ages. A comparison is made between Orthodoxy and postmodernism. Unlike Orthodoxy, postmodernism rejects any hierarchy both in society and in existence, denies absolute existence, and especially the personal Absolute.


Keywords: T. Goricheva, literature, Orthodoxy, foolishness, holy fools, holiness, postmodernism, cynicism, apophaticism, hesychasm.



Author information:

Stanislav Gurin;

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor;

Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology;

Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Professor, Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science;
Saratov State University;
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: gurin-sp@yandex.ru

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Mikhail Orlov, Dmitry Maslov

Deification as the meaning of life

For citation:

Orlov M., Maslov D. Obozheniye kak smysl zhizni [Deification as the meaning of life] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 108–127. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_108


Abstract: In the worldview system of any person, the question of the meaning of life is central. However, if for a non-Christian the truth that makes sense of life is something unknown and therefore the movement towards it comes from somewhere from the periphery, then in the worldview system of Christians the meaning-forming truth, which is Christ, is known from the beginning and therefore the ways of understanding the world around us and oneself in it is radically opposite — the entire value range of a person, starting from this Truth, is rethought in the light of the Christian faith79. It causes value-based changes in the nature of the very topology of the world — Christ becomes the dwelling, clothing and food of a Christian. Such a metamorphosis is also possible due to the difference in the specifics of the path to comprehend the meaning of life. For a Christian, this is not just a process of rational and empirical knowledge, but what in Eastern Christianity, from the first centuries of its existence, was called deification — the acquisition by man of Divine properties through communion with the nature of God by grace. Deification covers all aspects of Christian doctrine — dogmatics, soteriology, ecclesiology, asceticism, etc., all spheres of Christian life — personal, family, civil, etc. All this is possible, since deification for a person is ontologically conditioned — the first man, Adam, was called to it as his own appointment. Now that the second Adam, Christ, has restored the fallen nature of man, to be called to deification means to be first of all Christians. The purpose of this article is to trace the ontological connection between the ideological category “meaning of life” and deification, as well as to reveal the essence of deification and the features of its acquisition.


Keywords: deification, communion with the Divine nature, eternalbeing, good-being, the meaning of life, objective good, subjective good, absolute good, the grace of God, love αγάπη, the Eucharist.



Authors information:

Mikhail Orlov;
Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor;
Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Head of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy;
Saratov State University,
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: orok-saratov@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-7312-5881

Dmitry Maslov;

Student, Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: serebrist_81@mail.ru

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III. History

Sergey Maksimov

Letter to Avitus by St. Jerome of Stridon and Epistle to Menas by Emperor Justinian the Great as material for identifying the structure of the first book of "On First Principles" by Origen

For citation:

Maximov S. Pis'mo k Avitu blazhennogo Iyeronima Stridonskogo i Poslaniye k Mine imperatora Yustiniana Velikogo kak material dlya vyyavleniya struktury pervoy knigi traktata Origena "O nachalakh" [Letter to Avitus by St. Jerome of Stridon and Epistle to Menas by Emperor Justinian the Great as material for identifying the structure of the first book of "On First Principles" by Origen] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 128–163. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_128

Abstract:The article analyzes the quotations from Origen's «On First Principles» cited in the Letter to Avitus by St. Jerome of Stridon and the Epistle to Menas by Emperor Justinian the Great. The conclusions of previous studies concerning the study of the problem of the reliability of the Latin translations of Origen's «On First Principles» by Rufinus and St. Jerome are summarized. The author of the article offers a number of clarifications regarding the assessment of the reliability of Latin translations of the treatise. An attempt is made to compare the quotations from the two anti-Origenist sources with the text of the first book of the Latin translation of Rufinus of Aquileia. A hypothetical reconstruction of the original text is proposed for some places in the first book of the treatise. The sequence of the material presented in the Latin translation of Rufinus is compared with the order of the Letter to Avitus by St. Jerome of Stridon. On the basis of this comparison, as well as the content of the Epistle to Mina by Justinian the Great, an attempt is made to clarify the author's structure of the first book of the work. Based on the sequence of material presented in the texts of St. Jerome and Justinian, an attempt is made to clarify the authorial structure of the work.

Keywords: Origen, On First Principles, St. Jerome of Stridon, Justinian the Great, Rufin of Aquileia, latin translation, structural interpretation.




Archpriest Valery Lavrinov

The fate of the Gregorian bishop: Metropolitan Vissarion (Zornin) (based on the materials of the archival investigative case)


For citation:

Lavrinov V., archpriest. Sud'ba grigorianskogo arhiereya: mitropolit Vissarion (Zornin) (po materialam arhivno-sledstvennogo dela) [The fate of the Gregorian bishop: Metropolitan Vissarion (Zornin) (based on the materials of the archival investigative case)] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 164–189. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_164


Abstract: One of the structures into which the Russian Orthodox Church split up in the 1920s was the Provisional Supreme Church Council, nowadays commonly referred to as the Gregorian Schism, which is equated with Renovationism. In our opinion, such an approach is not entirely objective, and the VVC can rather be attributed to the right-wing opposition to Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), along with the Josephites, "true OrthodoX Christians" and "non-remembering". Founded in 1925, this movement existed for about 12 years and in 1937 was defeated by the state security agencies, which was accompanied by the physical destruction of the vast majority of its figures. The pretext for this was a case fabricated by the chekists about the so-called "All-Union Anti-Soviet Church Organization", allegedly headed by the head of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), the head of the Renovationist Church, Metropolitan Vitaly (Vvedensky) and the chairman of the Supreme Church Council, Metropolitan Vissarion (Zornin). At the same time, the first two of the listed figures were not subjected to repression — presumably due to the fact that the chekists had other plans for them. The VCU was significantly inferior to them in terms of the number of supporters, and, obviously, the "authorities" recognized that its further use in the internal church struggle was inappropriate.
For the entire period of the existence of the VVCC/VCC, it was headed by only two people: Metropolitans Grigory (Yatsovsky) (1925–1932) and Vissarion (Zornin) (1934–1937), and the second of them is relatively little known. Interesting information about him is contained in the investigative case of 1937, now located in the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia, the materials of which have not been published anywhere until now. This work, in particular, contains the full text of a very voluminous protocol of the bishop's interrogation from this case, dated October 20, 1937.
Metropolitan Vissarion (Zornin) was shot on November 25, 1937, on the basis of a resolution of the Troika of the NKVD in the Moscow region. To date, his life and work should be recognized as worthy of further study by historians.


Keywords: Provisional Supreme Church Council (Gregorian Schism), Metropolitan Grigory (Yatskovsky), Metropolitan Vissarion (Zornin/Zorin), repression against the clergy, investigative case of 1937, interrogation protocol.



Author information:
Archpriest Valery Lavrinov;
Candidate of Sciences in History;
Cleric of the Church-on-the-Blood in the name of All Saints, who have shone in the Russian land, Yekaterinburg diocese;
10, Tsarskaya str., Yekaterinburg, 620000, Russian Federation;
Email: lavri-val@mail.ru
ORCID: 0009-0006-6506-404X

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Book Reviews

Mikhail Kovshov

Homiletics and scientific exegesis of Colossians and Philemon (on the new commentaries of the Kerux series)

Book review: Adam Copenhaver and Jeffrey D. Arthurs. Colossians and Philemon. Kerux Commentaries. Grand Rapids (MI): Kregel Ministry, 2021. 281 pp.

For citation:

Kovshov M. Gomiletika i nauchnaya ekzegeza poslaniy k Kolossyanam i Filimonu (o novykh kommentariyakh serii Kerux). [Homiletics and scientific exegesis of Colossians and Philemon (on the new commentaries of the Kerux series)]. Book review: Adam Copenhaver and Jeffrey D. Arthurs. Colossians and Philemon. Kerux Commentaries. Grand Rapids (MI): Kregel Ministry, 2021. 281 pp. // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 190–195. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_190
