на русском

I. Theology


Mikhail Kovshov, Priest Alexey Bashkatov

Rudolf Bultmann's method of form criticism in the context of the origin of the Canonical Gospels


For citation:

Kovshov M., Bashkatov A., priest. Metod kritiki form Rudol'fa Bul'tmana v kontekste proiskhozhdeniya kanonicheskikh Yevangeliy [Rudolf Bultmann's method of form criticism in the context of the origin of the Canonical Gospels] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 1 (20). pp. 9–41. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_20_9


Abstract: In this article the authors examine models of oral gospel transmission by describing and evaluating a critical form model. Rudolf Bultmann is chosen as the main representative of the critical form model. As a result, the authors were able to outline the main models for the transmission of the oral gospel tradition. In particular, the model of critical form was examined in more detail, using the works of Rudolf Bulman as an example. In this connection, the main points of this model have been pointed out, which cannot be accepted in the context of studying the origin of the canonical Gospels in the light of Church Tradition.


Keywords: the origin of the canonical gospels, critical form model, Rudolf Bultmann, Karl Schmidt, Martin Dibelius, tunnel period, the transmission of the oral gospel traditions, Sitz im Leben [setting in life].



Authors information:

Mikhail Kovshov;

Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;

Associate Professor of the Department of Biblical Studies;

Moscow Theological Academy;

Holy Trinity-St. SergiusLavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russian Federation;
Perervinskaya Orthodox Theological Seminary;

82 Highway str., Moscow, 109383, Russian Federation

Email: paul.quest@nextmail.ru.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0656-1135

Priest Alexey Bashkatov;

graduate of postgraduate studies, Moscow Theological Academy;

Cleric of the Cyril and Methodius Church in Podolsk;
1 Teplichnaya str., Podolsk, Moscow region, 108823, Russian Federation;

Email: bashkatov202@mail.ru.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0248-1314


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Alexei Maslov

"Eastern Popery": the nature of the concept and history of its formation

For citation:

Maslov A. «Vostochnyy papizm»: sushchnost' i predposylki vozniknoveniya. ["Eastern Popery": the nature of the concept and history of its formation] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 1 (20). pp. 42–58. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_20_42


Abstract: The paper is dedicated to describing the concepts of "Eastern Popery" teaching and the history of its formation. In order to fully establish the nature of this phenomenon, we must review it together with similar concepts such as "Papal Caesarism", "Caesaropapism" and "Ethnophyletism". By its nature, the "Eastern Popery" is tightly connected to all these concepts. The paper postulates that the "Eastern Popery" has its own canonical and theological argumentation base: it rationalizes its structure on the basis of a certain interpretation of the rules formulated by Ecumenical Councils, it has its own fundamental source of canonical law and it develops its own, special Church doctrine — "first without equals" — using the ecclesiological statements of Ignatius the Godbearer as interpreted by the Catholic Church. The paper also reviews the background of formation of the "Eastern Popery" as a historical concept and postulates that this concept is not new and wasn’t simply created in the XXth century, but that its roots go down to the dawn of Byzantine Empire when Constantinople rose as a "city of Caesar and Senate". The paper notes that the rulers of Constantinople in many ways merely emulated the "Roman Popery". In conclusion, the paper provides the opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding the contemporary activities of the Fener (Ecumenical Patriarchy), gives the examples of such activities and lists the local churches that supported Constantinople as well as those churches that did not support it and retained their Orthodox position together with Russian OrthodoX Church, thus, serving as an indicator of a schism in the Orthodox world.


Keywords: the Fener; "Eastern Popery", "Caesaropapism", "Papal Caesarism", "Popery", "Ethnophyletism", subjugation, primacy of honor and primacy of power, "first without equals", relations between the state and the Church, canonical and theological argumentation base of "Eastern Popery".



Author information:

Alexei Maslov;

Student, Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary
; 92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: majority@mail.ru

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II. Philosophy


Hierodeacon Theodore (Dmitry Benedisyuk)

The philosophical concept of human perfection in late antiquity


For citation:

Theodore (Benedisyuk D.), hierodeacon. Filosofskiy kontsept sovershenstva cheloveka v period pozdney antichnosti [The philosophical concept of human perfection in late antiquity] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 1 (20). 59–80. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_20_59


Abstract: This article reveals the idea of human perfection in the final period of ancient philosophy history, when the problem of a human being became the main one, metaphysical questions gave way to ethics and asynthesis of all previous systems was carried out. The connection of the modern world with this era is determined by similar problems, the crisis of man, when instead of old philosophical views, which did not stand up to criticism, new ones had not yet been formed and comprehended. Therefore, the philosophy of late antiquity period has an invisible connection with the modern era. The paper considers basic philosophical ideas and values of Late Antiquity for qualitative comprehension of the accents of philosophical thought of the epoch and further systematized presentation of the concept of human perfection according to the works of philosophers of Late Antiquity epoch. The study of late antiquity philosophers’ concept of human perfection allows to find fundamental worldview prerequisites of modern civilization, as well as to determine possible ways to overcome the anthropological disaster and spiritual and moral crisis of the modern society. Philosophical analysis of the concepts of human perfection in late antiquity thus becomes a solution to the problem of defining the moral ideal, defining the human perfection and the ways to achieve it in our time.


Keywords: perfection, human perfection, late antiquity, moral ideal, philosophical concepts.



Author information:

Hierodeacon Theodore (Dmitry Benedisyuk);

applicant for the degree of Candidate of Theology, Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute of Post-Graduate Studies; 4/2 Pyatnitskaya str., bld. 1, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation

Email: d-seminarist@yandex.ru;

ORCID: 0000-0002-1841-3837

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Arseniy Biryukov

The Teaching of the Providence of Nemesius of Emesa in the context of the polemic with ancient views about Fate


For citation:

Biryukov A. Ucheniye o Promysle Nemesiya Emesskogo v kontek ste polemiki s antichnymi predstavleniyami o fatume [The Teaching of the Providence of Nemesius of Emesa in the context of the polemic with ancient views about Fate] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 1 (20). pp. 81–94. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_20_81


Abstract: The idea of Providence was one of the main ones both in ancient philosophy and in early Christian theology. Representatives of the period of apologetics christianized the corresponding concept of the ancient philosophers (πρόνοια) and included it in their theological constructions. The article is devoted to the topic of the teaching about the Providence of the Christian thinker Nemesius of Emesa (IV– V centuries), contained in the treatise "On the nature of Man". The critique of the ideas of ancient philosophical schools about fate is considered. Nemesius’ own ideas are formulated. The author makes a conclusion about the continuity of the teaching of Nemesis from the Christian tradition of the pantheistic paradigm, which was formed in the I–III centuries. The continuity of the corresponding views in the Eastern Christian patristic writings and the Russian religious-philosophical tradition is shown.


Keywords: Nemesius of Emesa, Providence, fate, ancient philosophy, theology of history, free will, theodicy, panentheism, Russian religious philosophy.



Author information:

Arseniy Biryukov;

Assistant, Department of Theology;

Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy;

73 Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, 109004, Russian Federation;

postgraduate student, Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute of Post-Graduate Studies;

4/2 Pyatnitskaya str., bld. 1, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation

Email: arsenyi.biryukov@yandex.ru;

ORCID: 0000-0002-1841-3837

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III. History

Priest Nikolay Solodov

Hieroschemamonk Theodosius (Kharitonov) and his education in the theological schools of the Saratov diocese in the 1880s

For citation:

Solodov N., priest. Iyeroskhimonakh Feodosiy (Kharitonov) i yego obucheniye v dukhovnykh shkolakh Saratovskoy yeparkhii 1880-kh godov [Hieroschemamonk Theodosius (Kharitonov) and his education in the theological schools of the Saratov diocese in the 1880s] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 1 (20). pp. 95–117. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_20_95

Abstract: The article is devoted to the reconstruction and clarification of individual stages of the biography of the Athos ascetic of piety hieroschemamonk Theodosius (Kharitonov), "of Karuli", so named after the place of his exploits — the hard-to-reach mountainous part of Athos — Karuli. The son of a peasant of the village of Bobylevka, Balashov district, Saratov province, Vasily Vasilyevich Kharitonov (that was the secular name of father Theodosius) received a spiritual education uncharacteristic for his estate: he graduated from the Balashov Theological School (1884), the Saratov Theological Seminary (1890) and the Kazan Theological Academy (1894). The article clarifies the circumstances that were most important for the formation of the personality of the ascetic in his youth, and also provides the characteristics of people who had the greatest influence on Vasily during his years of study at the theological schools: the priest of the Bobylevka village, Ioann Kedrov, the directors of the Balashov School P.P. Okhotsky and P.F. Bellavin, the rector of the Saratov Seminary, Fr. Pavel Izvekov and the spiritual father of the seminary Fr. Pavel Bobrov, a teacher at the Saratov Seminary, and then a school teacher V.V. Mudrolyubov. Restoring the social circle and the environment in which V. Kharitonov was trained makes it possible to more vividly and clearly present his personality at this stage, and also makes his further development in adulthood more understandable. The study is based on archival sources, publications in pre-revolutionary journals and the latest research on the history of theological education. Artistic works that have the value of documentary evidence are also involved.

Keywords: Hieromonk Theodosius (Kharitonov), Karuli, Saratov Seminary, Balashov Theological School, biography of the ascetic.




Priest Stakhiy (Stanislav) Sakharov

The impact of political changes on the development of Orthodox Christianity in the Soviet period on the example of the Ozinsky district of the Saratov region


For citation:

Sakharov S., priest. Vozdeystviye politicheskikh peremen na razvitiye pravoslavnogo khristianstva v sovetskiy period na primere Ozinskogo rayona Saratovskoy oblasti [The impact of political changes on the development of Orthodox Christianity in the Soviet period on the example of the Ozinsky district of the Saratov region] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 1 (20). pp. 118–131. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_20_118


Abstract: Based on archival materials and eyewitness accounts, the text reconstructs the position of the OrthodoX Church on the territory of the Ozinsky district of the Saratov region in the Soviet period. Particular attention is focused on the time period from 1917 to late 1930s, however, later periods are also affected. The reaction of the clergy and laity to the Renovationist Schism is mentioned, the actions of the Soviet authorities aimed at the destruction of OrthodoXy in the region are described. Particular attention is paid to the history of the church in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village of Balashi, Ozinkinsky district, on the example of which the main problems that the rural parishes of the studied region had to face are analyzed. Also, considerable attention is paid to the problem of maintaining OrthodoXy in the region in the absence of the clergy through the efforts of the laity.


Keywords: Saratov region, Ozinsky district, Balashi village, Soviet power, rural parish, church schism, persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church.



Author information:

Priest Stakhiy (Stanislav) Sakharov;

Student of Master's course, Saratov State University;
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: saharov.sta@gmail.com


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