на русском

I. Theology


Archpriest Dmitry Polokhov

Analysis of the text of the Qur'an in the light of historical data


For citation:

Polokhov D., archpriest. Analiz teksta Korana v svete dannykh istorii [Analysis of the text of the Qur'an in the light of historical data] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 9–29. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_9


Abstract: Referring to the assumption of some Islamic authors about the scientific and historical significance of the Quran, this article analyzes the episodes of the Quran that claim to be a reliable presentation of historical events. As an example, a description of the use of execution by crucifiXion in Egypt in the time of Joseph was chosen, as well as a description of the presence of a Samaritan in the episode of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
The text presents scientific (historical, cultural and textual) criticism, as well as facts that refute the correspondence of the named Qur'anic episodes to historical reality. At the same time, the Koranic image of the world is opposed to the biblical one. The biblical narrative in these episodes is more logical and fits the historical context. The positions of Islamic scholars are also analyzed, who in various ways seek to level the contradictions of the text of the Koran with historical reality.


Keywords: Islam, Koran (Quran), textual criticism, crucifixion, Samaritans, historical-critical method.



Author information:

Archpriest Dmitry Polokhov;

Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;

Head of the Department of Theology, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological Work;

Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;

92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: polokhov@mail.ru.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6605-3461

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Bishop Bartholomew (Alexander Denisov), Archpriest Vladimir Parkhomenko

Reception of the charter of St. Basil the Great in the Eastern and Western Churches

For citation:

Bishop Bartholomew (Denisov A.), archpriest Parkhomenko V. Retseptsiya ustava svyatitelya Vasiliya Velikogo v vostochnoy i zapadnoy tserkvakh [Reception of the charter of St. Basil the Great in the Eastern and Western Churches] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 30–54. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_30


Abstract: The article presents a brief history of the main forms of monastic life. It is shown how, under the influence of various social and spiritual reasons, coenobia or community living became the prevailing way of organizing asceticism. The principles of the existence of kinovia were first formulated by St. Pachomius and developed by St. Basil the Great. The rules of St. Basil were laid at the foundation of the statutes of cenobitic OrthodoX monasteries and had a significant impact on the formation of Western monasticism.


Keywords: asceticism, history of monasticism, hermitage, cohabitation, monastic charter, St. Pachomius, St. Basil the Great.



Authors information:

Bishop of Balakovo and Nikolayevsk Bartholomew
(Alexander Denisov);

Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;
Head of the Department of Church-Practical Disciplines;

Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: daleksan@mail.ru

Archpriest Vladimir Parkhomenko;
Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary; 
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation; 
Email: protvp@list.ru

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Nikolay Samoilov

Trinitarian Analogies in the "Cassiac Dialogues": Philosophical and Theological Analysis

For citation:

Samoilov N. Trinitarnyye analogii v «Kassitsiakskikh dialogakh»: filosofskobogoslovskiy analiz [Trinitarian Analogies in the "Cassiac Dialogues": Philosophical and Theological Analysis] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 55–70. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_55


Abstract: The article deals with the problem devoted to the analysis of the provisions of the Italian professor of the Pontifical Institute of Patristic Studies "Augustinianum" Nello Cipriani, described in his work entitled "Christian sources of the doctrine of the Trinity in the first dialogues of Blessed Augustine". The author makes an attempt of theological and philosophical analysis of the degree the ancient philosophical tradition represented by Neoplatonism influenced the Christianized thinking of Aurelius Augustine. In this regard, a part of Blessed Augustine's earlier writings is of particular value. These works are named after St. Augustine's place of residence in Cassisiac, and therefore called the "Cassiciacum Dialogues", the corpus of which includes three of his work: "On Order", "On the Blessed Life" and “Against the Academicians”. Also in this paper, the principled position of Nello Cipriani on the rejection of any influence of ancient philosophy on Augustine's understanding of the Christian Trinitarian doctrine is shown. This kind of position is the antithetical position of the French scientist Olivier Du Roy. Solving this problem, Cipriani tries to prove inaccuracy in the interpretation of Blessed Augustine’s texts, artificially created and used by du Roy to support the provisions he put forward about the prevailing influence of the pagan world on Augustine's personality. In addition, the failure of du Roy's thesis does not stand up to criticism regarding Augustine's use of Trinitarian analogies in the "Cassiciacum Dialogues" and the use of Christian sources of knowledge in them. Thus, the idea of the Italian professor Nello Cipriani considered in the article takes on the features of a true, historical fact.


Keywords: Aurelius Augustine, Nello Cipriani, Olivier du Roy, Cassiciacum Dialogues, Holy Trinity, Christianity, Neoplatonism, Plotinus Triad.



Author information:

Nikolay Samoilov;

Student of Master's course;
Saratov State University;
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: leviafan101218@yandex.ru

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II. Philosophy


Vladimir Ruchin

Regional development in the post-secular era: spiritual and moral aspect


For citation:

Ruchin V. Regional'noye razvitiye v postsekulyarnuyu epokhu: dukhovno-nravstvennyy aspekt [Regional development in the post-secular era: spiritual and moral aspect] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 71–86. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_71


Abstract: The article deals with the process of socialization within local communities. An attempt is made to identify and minimize the main risks of the socialization model. For our country, the mechanism of the cultural failure of the beginning of the 20th century still causes painful symptoms of the recovery of public consciousness in the present-day post-secular era; therefore, the anamnesis of emerging worldview disorders has the existential significance. This is especially important in conditions when pro-Western religiosity of an unprecedentedly wide spectrum is turning into a powerful force and a political tool that deforms values of the younger generation. The study is carried out taking into account the ethno-religious mosaic and is aimed at finding social cohesion as a condition for regional development. The author, through philosophical and sociological analysis, concludes that the spiritual and moral sphere has special significance for the development of the Russian society.


Keywords: post-secular world, socialization, value intervention, spiritual culture.

Acknowledgments: The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research according to the research project № 20311-70023 "Religious socialization in the post-secular world: discursive practices and sociocultural risks".



Author information:

Vladimir Ruchin;

Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor;
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Culture and Culturology;
Saratov State University;
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: r-vl@yandex.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-2638-3057

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III. History

Archpriest Kirill Krasnoshchekov, Anton Dolin

The Renovationist Local Council of 1925 (based on the material of the journal "Bulletin of the Holy Synod of Russian Orthodox Church")

For citation:

Krasnoshchekov K., archpriest, Dolin A. Obnovlencheskiy pomestnyy sobor 1925 goda (na materiale zhurnala «Vestnik Svyashchennogo sinoda Pravoslavnoy rossiyskoy tserkvi») [The Renovationist Local Council of 1925 (based on the material of the journal "Bulletin of the Holy Synod of Russian Orthodox Church")] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 87–102. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_87

Abstract: This article deals with the problem of information coverage of the Renovationist Local Councils on the pages of the (Renovationist) journal "Bulletin of the Holy Synod of OrthodoX Churches of the USSR". Thus, the article is mainly of a source-based nature. However, the background of the restoration of the conciliar administration of the Russian Church, the problems associated with determining the nature of the local council, i.e., its powers and composition were also considered. In addition, we have highlighted the issue of reception of the institution of a local council within the framework of the Renovationist schism, whose leaders tried to give the schism a legitimate character by holding two local councils in 1923 and 1925. The appeal to the materials of the "Bulletin" allowed us to compare the goals and objectives set by the Renovationist leadership before the Third All-Russian (second Renovationist) Local Council of 1925 and its actual results.

Keywords: the Renovationist schism, the Renovationist Holy Synod, the press, the magazine, the Local Council of 1917–1918, the First Renovationist Local Council of 1923, the Second Renovationist Local Council of 1925, the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government.




Priest Nikolay Solodov

Biography of Schieeromonk Theodosius (Kharitonov). Childhood. Education in theological schools


For citation:

Solodov N., priest. Biografiya skhiiyeromonakha Feodosiya (Kharitonova). Detstvo. Obucheniye v dukhovnykh shkolakh [Biography of Schieeromonk Theodosius (Kharitonov). Childhood. Education in theological schools] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 103–146. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_103


Abstract: A recently published article in the Proceedings of the Saratov OrthodoX Theological Seminary is devoted to clarifying the circumstances of the Saratov period in the life of the remarkable Athos ascetic Schieeromonk Theodosius (Kharitonov; 1869–1937) . In this publication, we conduct a more detailed study of the childhood years and the time of study in the theological schools of the future confessor of the inhabitants of Karuli, paying great attention to the circumstances and people who surrounded Vasily Kharitonov from the first years of his life. The study of the life context in which the future ascetic was formed makes his image more voluminous and understandable, even if the direct influence of the revealed relationships on the formation of Vasily's personality cannot be established explicitly.


Keywords:Hieroschemamonk Theodosius (Kharitonov), Karulsky, biography, Athos, Balashov Theological School, Saratov Theological Seminary, Archpriest John Kedrov, Pavel Petrovich Okhotsky, Archpriest Pavel Izvekov, Archpriest Pavel Bobrov, clergy of the Saratov diocese.



Author information:
Priest Nikolay Solodov;
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
Senior Lecturer, Department of Theology;
Moscow Theological Academy;
Lavra, Sergiev posad, 141300, Russian Federation;
Email: nsolodov@gmail.com

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Book Reviews

Mikhail Kovshov

Structural, thematic and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans: an experience of Orthodox theological analysis

Book review: Sherwood A. Romans: A Structural, Thematic, and Exegetical Commentary. Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2020. xv+949 pp.

For citation:

Kovshov M. Strukturnyy, tematicheskiy i ekzegeticheskiy kommentariy na poslaniye k Rimlyanam: opyt pravoslavnobogoslovskogo analiza [Structural, thematic and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans: an experience of Orthodox theological analysis]. Book review: Sherwood A. Romans: A Structural, Thematic, and Exegetical Commentary. Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2020. xv+949 pp. // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 2 (21). pp. 147–155. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_21_147
