на русском
I. Theology
Archpriest Andrew Fadeev
Integration of Mental Spaces on the Example of the Cultic Milieu's Concept "Bigfoot"
For citation:
Fadeev A., archpriest. Integraciya mental'nyh prostranstv na primere koncepta kul'tovoj sredy «snezhnyj chelovek» [Integration of mental spaces on the example of the Cult Milieu's concept "bigfoot"] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 1 (24). pp. 11–31. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_24_11
Abstract: The aim of the study is to test the method of conceptual integration of mental spaces for the Cultic Milieu’s concept "bigfoot". The article focuses on the fact that the concept acts as a mental representation of the corresponding fragment of the surrounding reality as a dynamic structure of knowledge. A feature of the above example is cognitive fiction, which, nevertheless, has a stable vitality in the discourse of unconventional religiosity. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the initial mental spaces, their integration and the isolation of new emergent properties that contribute to maintaining the concept in a homeostatic state. As a result of the study, it was determined that the method of conceptual integration could be effectively used in interpreting cult concepts from the field of unconventional religiosity.
Keywords: the Cultic Milieu, conceptual integration, mental space, "bigfoot", cognitive linguistics, relic hominid, cryptozoology.
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1. Campbell C. (1972) The Cult, the Cultic Milieu and Secularization. In: A Sociological Yearbook of Religion in Britain. № 5. рр. 119–136. (In English).
2. Euvelmans B. (1994) "Sledy nevidannykh zverey" [Traces of unseen animals]. Moscow. (In Russian).
3. Euwelmans B. (1961) "Po sledam neizvestnykh zhivotnykh" [On the tracks of unknown animals]. Moscow. (In Russian).
4. Fauconnier G., Turner M. (2003) Conceptual Blending, Form and Meaning. In: Recherches en Communication: Semiotique Cognitive. № 19. pp. 57–86. (In English).
5. Fraser J.J. (1986) "Zolotaya vetv': Issledovaniye magii i religii" [The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion]. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. Moscow. (In Russian).
6. Martinovich V.A. (2018) "Sektantstvo: vosproizvedeniye i migratsiya" [Sectarianism: Reproduction and Migration]. Moscow. (In Russian).
7. Porshnev B.F., Shmakov A.A. (eds.) (1959) "Informatsionnyye materialy komissii po izucheniyu voprosa o «snezhnom cheloveke»" [Information materials of the commission to study the issue of “Bigfoot”]. Iss. 1–4. Moscow. (In Russian).
8. Przhevalsky N.M. (1946) "Mongoliya i strana tangutov" [Mongolia and the country of the Tanguts]. Moscow. (In Russian).
9. Ryzhov V.A. (2010) "Sovsem ne skazki" [Not fairy tales at all]. Moscow. (In Russian).
10. Sapunov V.B. (1996) "Razdum'ya o snezhnom cheloveke. Leshiy: ekologiya, fiziologiya, genetika" [Reflections on Bigfoot. Leshy: ecology, physiology, genetics]. Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).
11. Sapunov V.B. (2007) "Ekologiya cheloveka. Uchebnoye posobiye" [Human ecology. Tutorial]. Moscow. (In Russian).
12. Tanasiychuk V.N. (2011) "Neveroyatnaya zoologiya (mify i mistifikatsii)" [Incredible zoology (myths and hoaxes)]. Moscow. (In Russian).
13. Turner M. (2011) Conceptual blending. In: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge. pp. 35–39. (In English).
Author information:
Archpriest Andrew Fadeev;
Candidate of Theology;
Associate Professor, of the Department of Biblical Studies and Theology;
Penza Theological Seminary;
4 Perekop str., Penza, 440023, Russian Federation;
Email: fadeevandrei@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-6973-6081
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Nikolay Samoilov, Anton Oskoma
The concept of saeculum in the treatises of St. Augustine Aurelius “On True Religion” and “On the Book of Genesis Literally”
For citation:
Samoilov N., Oskoma A. Kontsept saeculum v traktatakh blazhennogo Avgustina Avreliya «Ob istinnoy religii» i «O Knige Bytiya bukval'no» [The concept of saeculum in the treatises of St. Augustine Aurelius “On True Religion” and “On the Book of Genesis Literally”] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 1 (24). pp. 32–51. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_24_32
Abstract: This article offers a contextual study of the concept of saeculum in the treatises of St. Aurelius Augustine «De vera religione» and «De Genesi ad litteram». Based on the analysis of the use of the noun saeculum in the treatises, the author comes to the conclusion that, although all the basic provisions have already been set out in the treatise «De vera religione», in the treatise «De Genesi ad litteram» they receive significant deepening and development, some new ideas related to this concept appear. These new meanings in the theoretical theological and philosophical basis of the treatises of St. Augustine include the fact that the polysemantic term saeculum — “age”, “world”, can have both a purely temporal meaning of a “temporal era”, and can be contrasted with the reality of human existence with the Divine, in sense of the biblical meaning of “this world”.
Keywords: St. Augustine; St. Augustine of Hippo; De vera religione; De Genesi ad litteram; saeculum; this world; historical, social and political concepts of St. Augustine.
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1. Bychkov V.V. (1984) "Estetika Avreliya Avgustina" [Aesthetics Aurelius Augustine]. Moscow. (In Russian).
2. Epifanova T.V. (2012) "Chelovek, obshchestvo i gosudarstvo v politicheskom uchenii Avgustina Blazhennogo" [Man, society and the state in the political teaching of Augustine of Blessed]. Moscow. (In Russian).
3. Erickson T.B. (2003) "Avgustin. Bespokoynoye serdtse" [Augustine. A restless heart]. Moscow. (In Russian).
4. Glare P.G.W. (ed.) (1968) Oxford Latin Dictionary. London. (In English).
5. Markus R.A. (1989) History and Society in the Theology of St. Augustine. Cambridge. (In English).
6. Mayorov G.G. (1979) "Formirovaniye srednevekovoy filosofii. Latinskaya patristika" [The formation of medieval philosophy. Latin patrician]. Moscow. (In Russian).
7. Souter A. (comp.) (1957) A Glossary of Later Latin to 600 AD. Oxford. (In English).
Authors information:
Nikolay Samoilov;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Anton Oskoma;
Head of the Department of Distance Learning, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Church History;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
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Priest Sergei Shatalov
The Importance of Forming a Family Lifestyle in the Upbringing of Youth
For citation:
Shatalov S., priest. Znacheniye formirovaniya semeynogo obraza zhizni v vospitanii molodezhi [The importance of forming a family lifestyle in the education of youth] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 52–65. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_52
Abstract: The article reveals the factors that negatively affect the worldview of modern youth, leveling family values and significantly reducing the popularity of the family lifestyle among the younger generation, including boys and girls brought up in Orthodox families, whose parents are not always able to instill in their children their Christian vision of the family, to form competent ideological assessments of the role of men and women in the family. An assessment of the importance of the family from the position of representatives of the Orthodox Church is given, it is shown that in the context of the educational mission of the Russian Orthodox Church, one of the directions is to strengthen the missionary orientation of parish life in the field of youth upbringing. It is possible to make up for the loss of ideas about the family way of life among young people by developing their Christian worldview and forming ideas about the family way of life in accordance with Christian commandments. At the same time, programs of educational work among young people implemented by parishes are becoming important. Based on the study of family values among high school students, it was revealed that many students cannot name the ways of showing love in the family, their attitude towards parents is consumerist, many have erroneous ideas about family roles, and the culture of family life is not a value. In order to form in high school students the ideas of an Orthodox family lifestyle, the program consisting of creative workshops with students and joint meetings with students and their parents has been implemented.
Keywords: family lifestyle, youth, family values, Orthodox family, family roles, Christian marriage, religious worldview.
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1. Kaleda G., Kaleda G. (2001) "Domashnyaya tserkov'" [House Church]. Moscow. (In Russian).
2. Khulap V., Aster I.V. (ed.) (2014) "Sotsial'noye sluzheniye Russkoy Pravoslavnoy Tserkvi: Mul'timediynoye uchebnoye posobiye" [Social ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church: Multimedia textbook]. Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).
3. Morozova E.A. (2009) "Garmoniya v sem'ye i brake. Sem'ya glazami pravoslavnogo psikhologa" [Harmony in family and marriage. Family through the eyes of an Orthodox psychologist]. Moscow. (In Russian).
4. Polovinkin A.I. (2003) "Pravoslavnaya dukhovnaya kul'tura" [Orthodox spiritual culture]. Moscow. (In Russian).
5. Shugaev I. (2007) "Odin raz na vsyu zhizn'. Besedy so starsheklassnikami o brake, sem'ye i detyakh" [Once for a lifetime. Conversations with high school students about marriage, family and children]. Moscow. (In Russian).
6. Solyarsky P.F. (2006) "Nravstvennoye pravoslavnoye bogosloviye" [Moral Orthodox Theology]. Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).
7. Vorobyov V. "Pravoslavnyye roditeli ne sposobny nauchit' detey vere?" [Orthodox parents are not able to teach their children faith?]. Available at: http://www.nsad.ru/articles/prot-vladimir-vorobev-pravoslavnye-roditeli-ne-sposobny-nauchit-detej-vere (06/08/2023). (In Russian).
Author information:
Priest Sergei Shatalov;
Student of Master's course, Minsk Theological Academy named after St. Cyril, Bishop of Turov;
27 Zybitskaya str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus;
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II. History
Dmitry Zarubin, Evgeniya Zarubina
"Church keys seized": church closure in the context of the social policy of the Soviet government in the Piterka district of Saratov region in 1930–1937
For citation:
Zarubin D., Zarubina E. «Klyuchi ot tserkvi otobrany»: zakrytiye tserkvey v kontekste sotsial'noy politiki kommunistov v Piterskom rayone Saratovskoy oblasti v 1930–1937 godov. ["Church keys seized": church closure in the context of the social policy of the Soviet government in the Piterka district of Saratov region in 1930–1937] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 1 (24). pp. 66–103. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_24_66
Abstract: Church buildings in pre-revolutionary Russia served as centers of ritual and social activity. The most active villagers united around them and played an essential role in maintaining the village's ecclesiastical infrastructure. While discussing the anti-religious politics enforced after 1917, researchers highlight its ideological component. The presence of this aspect is beyond doubt, but in the current paper we see the closure of the Orthodox churches as a part of the social politics of the new government, aimed at building «Soviet society» as opposed to the pre-Revolutionary system of social institutions. The subtraction of church buildings as a physical representation of the old order was an inseparable part of this policy.
In this paper, we analyze the strategies of the local Soviet authorities aimed at closing the churches in the villages of Small Uzen’, Mironovka, Aleksashkino, and Piterka (the modern Piterka district of Saratov region). The paper’s aim is twofold: we seek to first reconstruct the chronology of events that led to the churches’ closure. Second, we aim to trace the strategies, methods, and practices used by local authorities to destroy civilecclesiastical social structures through the seizure of church buildings. Another important aim of our study is to highlight the resistance shown by village communities and document the names and individual stories of the people connected to the ecclesiastical infrastructure.
The research uses previously unknown documents from the state archives of the Samara and Saratov regions, the archive of the Administration of the Federal Security Service in the Saratov region, supplemented by villagers’ memories.
Keywords: social policies of communists, churches’ seizure, Volga region, 1930s, village communities, resistance, Saratov region.
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1. Anderson B. (2016) "Voobrazhayemyye soobshchestva. Razmyshleniya ob istokakh rasprostraneniya natsionalizma" [Imaginary communities. Reflections on the origins of the spread of nationalism]. Moscow. (In Russian).
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9. Olsevich Yu.Ya. (2000) "Planovaya sistema v retrospektive. Analiz i interv'yu s rukovoditelyami planirovaniya SSSR" [Planned system in retrospect. Analysis and interviews with USSR planning managers]. Moscow. (In Russian).
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11. Shiko V.G. (2018) "Formirovaniye novogo industrial'nogo bazisa dlya innovatsionnogo sotsial'no-oriyentirovannogo razvitiya Rossii" [The formation of a new industrial basis for the innovative socio-oriented development of Russia]. In: "Rossiya: tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiya" [Russia: Trends and development prospects]. No. 13–1. pp. 130–132. (In Russian).
12. Yakovleva Zh.V. (2020) "«Marsh otsyuda… Tserkov' zakryta! Veruyushchiye teper' ne veruyushchiye! Antireligioznaya kаmpaniya v Saratovskom Povolzh'ye (konets 1920-kh nachalo 1940-kh)»" [“The march from here ... the church is closed! Believers are now not believers! Anti-religious company in the Saratov Volga region (late 1920s of the 1940s)”]. Saratov. (In Russian).
13. Yakovleva Zh.V. (2020) "Antireligioznaya kampaniya v Saratovskom Povolzh'ye: na primere bor'by s pravoslaviyem (konets 1920-kh — nachalo 1940-kh gg.)" [Anti-religious campaign in the Saratov Volga region: on the example of the fight against Orthodoxy (late 1920s-early 1940s)]. In: "Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Seriya Istoriya. Mezhdunarodnyye otnosheniya" [News of the University of Saratov. New episode. Series History. International relationships]. Vol. 20, issue 1. pp. 119–127. (In Russian).
14. Zinoviev A.A. (2003) "Russkaya tragediya. Gibel' utopii" [Russian tragedy. The death of utopia]. Moscow. (In Russian).
Authors information::
Dmitry Zarubin;
Editor of the newspaper "Landmark";
Starooskolsky Plant of Automotive Electrical Equipment named after A.M. Mamonov;
54 Vatutina str., Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, 309507, Russian Federation;
Email: z13711@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-2162-6745
Evgeniya Zarubina;
Candidate of Sciences in History;
Research Fellow of the Oriental Written Sources Department;
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
12 Rozhdestvenka str., Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation;
ORCID: 0000-0002-7520-4281
Grigory Bartenev
The First Graduates of the Revived Saratov Theological Seminary 1947–1951: Leaders, Teachers and Students
For citation:
Bartenev G. Pervyy vypusk vozrozhdennoy Saratovskoy dukhovnoy seminarii 1947–1951 gody: nachal'stvuyushchiye, uchashchiye i uchashchiyesya [The first graduates of the revived Saratov Theological Seminary 1947–1951] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 104–133. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_104
Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the revival process of theological education in the conditions of pressure on the Russian Orthodox Church of the atheistic Soviet state, using the example of the first graduates of the Saratov Theological Seminary, revived in 1947. The article shows the traditions and problems inherited from the pre-revolutionary Saratov Theological Seminary, and new challenges dictated by the godless atheistic state. Changes in the teaching staff of the seminary during the period under study and their impact on the process of education and upbringing of seminarians are considered. The results of teaching the seminarians are illustrated by the memories of colleagues and parishioners, reviews of the clergy, and archival documents of the authorized of the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church (hereinafter referred to as the Council). Based on the analysis of the first seminary graduates’ destiny, a conclusion was made about the effectiveness of the educational process at the Saratov Theological Seminary in 1947–1951.
Keywords: theological education, Saratov Theological Seminary, Archbishop Philip (Stavitsky), Archpriest John Sokal.
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1. Alexandrova-Chukova L.K. "Deyatel'nost' Uchebnogo Komiteta Svyashchennogo Sinoda v 1946–1955 gg: k 70-letiyu osnovaniya" [Activities of the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod in 1946–1955: on the 70th anniversary of its founding]. Available at: https://bogoslov.ru/article/4888315 (30/06/2021). (In Russian).
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4. Grishanina O.V. "Za Otechestvo, za veru" [For the Fatherland, for the faith]. Available at: https://eparhia-saratov.ru/Articles/za-otechestvoza-veru (30/07/2023). (In Russian).
5. Kosik V.I. (2010) "Innokentiy (Sokal')" [Innocent (Sokal)]. In: "Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya" [Orthodox Encyclopedia]. Vol. XXIII. Moscow. pp. 23–24. (In Russian).
6. Kozlov I. (2015) "Saratovskaya pravoslavnaya dukhovnaya seminariya s 1947 po 1961 god" [Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary from 1947 to 1961]. In: "Trudy Saratovskoy pravoslavnoy dukhovnoy seminarii" [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. Vol. IX. pp. 302–340. (In Russian).
7. Kozlov I.I. (2017) "Vozrozhdeniye dukhovnogo obrazovaniya v SSSR v 1943–1947 godakh" [Revival of theological education in the USSR in 1943–1947]. In: "Trudy Saratovskoy pravoslavnoy dukhovnoy seminarii" [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. Vol. XI. pp. 148–158. (In Russian).
8. Krasnoshchekov K.E. (2008) "Vmesto predisloviya. Iz istorii Saratovskoy Pravoslavnoy Dukhovnoy Seminarii" [Instead of a preface. From the history of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. In: "Trudy Saratovskoy pravoslavnoy dukhovnoy seminarii" [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. Vol. II. pp. 3–44. (In Russian).
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15. Sukhova N.Yu. (2019) "Dukhovnaya shkola pri bezbozhnoy vlasti: kompromiss ili svidetel'stvo? (Vozrozhdeniye Dukhovnoy shkoly v Rossii v 1940–1950-ye gody)" [Theological school under a godless government: compromise or testimony? (Revival of the Theological School in Russia in the 1940–1950s)]. In: "Religioznoye obrazovaniye v Rossii i v Yevrope v XX veke: istoricheskiy opyt i peredacha tsennostey" [Religious education in Russia and Europe in the twentieth century: historical experience and transfer of values]. Moscow. pp. 7–39. (In Russian).
16. Tarnakin N.A. (2023) "Prepodavaniye i prepodavateli kanonicheskogo prava v pervyye gody sushchestvovaniya Leningradskoy dukhovnoy akademii: k voprosu o preyemstvennosti" [Teaching and teachers of canon law in the first years of the existence of the Leningrad Theological Academy: on the issue of continuity]. In: "Voprosy teologii" [Questions of Theology]. Vol. 5. No. 2. pp. 287–301. (In Russian).
Author information:
Grigory Bartenev;
Postgraduate student, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities;
6/1 Likhov pereulok, Moscow, 127051, Russian Federation;
Email: gbartenev@bk.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-1269-1342
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Pavel Soloviev
The Petition of the Balakovo Orthodox Old Believers to the Samara Bishop Gerasim (Dobroserdov) for the Appointment of a Priest
For citation:
Solovev P. Prosheniye balakovskikh yedinovertsev k samarskomu yepiskopu Gerasimu (Dobroserdovu) o naznachenii svyashchennika [The petition of the Balakovo orthodox old believers to the Samara Bishop Gerasim (Dobroserdov) for the appointment of a priest] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 1 (24). pp. 134–151. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_24_134
Abstract: The paper presents the publication of an archival document — the petition of the Orthodox Old Believers of the village of Balakovo, Nykolayevsk district, for the appointment of a priest to them. The published document is an example of how one of the key provisions of the rules of unity of the Moscow Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) was implemented at the regional level. In this case, it means the possibility of Orthodox Old Believers to elect a candidate for ordination to the priesthood. The petition of the Balakovo Orthodox Old Believers reveals to some extent the nature of the relationship between the diocesan authorities and Orthodox Old Believers, the peculiarities of their worldview and the electability of the priesthood as the identity of parish life. The analysis of the published source is carried out on the basis of research and other archival sources that contain additional factual material on the local history of the edinoveriye in pre-revolutionary Russia.
Keywords: the rules of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin), Orthodox Old Believers (the edinoveriye), Old Believers, Gerasim (Dobroserdov), Samara province, Balakovo, Krivoluchye.
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1. Arkhangelsky N.A. (1923) "K istorii edinoveriya v Nikolaevskom uyezde Samarsrkoy gubernii" [On the history of the edinoveriye in the Nikolaevsky district of the Samara province]. Samara. (In Russian).
2. Mayorov R.A. (2011) "Ehiskop Iustin Tul'chinsky (po materialam Otdela rukopisey Rossiyskoy biblioteki) " [Bishop Justin Tulchinsky (based on the materials of the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library)]. In: "Kul'tura russkikh-lipovan v natsional'nom I mezhdunarodnom kontekste" [Culture of Russians-Lipovans in the national and international context.]. Issue 5. pp. 66–84. Bucharest. (In Russian).
3. Solovyev P. K. (2020) "Istoriya pravoslavnykh khramov g. Balakovo (1762–1917)" [History of Orthodox churches in Balakovo (1762– 1917)]. Saratov. (In Russian).
4. Solovyev P.K. (2022) "«Raskol'niki krivolutskiye bol'she vsekh upotreblyayut nasiliya…»: o stanovlenii yedinoveriya v Nikolayevskom uyezde Samarskoy gubernii (1850–1860-ye gody)" ["The Krivolutsky schismatics use violence the most...": on the formation of the same faith in the Nikolaevsky district of the Samara province (1850–1860-ies)]. In: "Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Seriya Istoriya. Mezhdunarodniye otnosheniya" [News Saratov University. Series History. International relations]. Vol. 22. Issue. 2. pp. 234–242. (In Russian).
Author information:
Pavel Soloviev;applicant for the degree of Candidate of Sciences in History, Saratov State University;
83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation;
solovjev.pasha2014@yandex.ruORCID: 0000-0002-2258-1331
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Book Reviews
Mikhail Kovshov
The Old Testament and the Apostle to the Gentiles: Scripture, Texts and Allusions in St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians
Book review: Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in 1 Corinthians (Scripture and Paul) / Edited by Linda Belleville and B. J. Oropeza. Lexington: Fortress Academic, 2019. 296 pp.
For citation:
Kovshov M. Vetkhiy Zavet i apostol yazychnikov: Pisaniye, teksty i allyuzii v Pervom Poslanii svyatogo Pavla k Korinfyanam. [The Old Testament and the Apostle to the Gentiles: Scripture, Texts and Allusions in St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians]. Book review: Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in 1 Corinthians (Scripture and Paul) / Edited by Linda Belleville and B. J. Oropeza. Lexington: Fortress Academic, 2019. 296 p. // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 4 (23). pp. 152–159. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_23_152
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1. Belleville L., Oropeza B.J. (eds.) (2019) Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in 1 Corinthians (Scripture and Paul). Lexington. (In English).
2. Brown R. (2007) "Vvedeniye v Novyy Zavet" [Introduction to the New Testament]. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. Moscow. (In Russian).
3. Dobykin D.G. (2016) "Pravoslavnoye ucheniye o tolkovanii Svyashchennogo Pisaniya: lektsii po bibleyskoy germenevtike" [Orthodox teaching on the interpretation of Holy Scripture: lectures on biblical hermeneutics]. Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).
4. Men' A. (2002) "Bibliologicheskiy slovar'" [Bibliological Dictionary]. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. Moscow. (In Russian).
5. Yurevich D. (2016) "Vvedeniye v Novyy Zavet" [Introduction to the New Testament]. Saint Petersburg. (In Russian).
Author information:
Mikhail Kovshov;
Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;
Associate Professor of the Department of Biblical Studies;
Moscow Theological Academy;
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russian Federation;
Perervinskaya Orthodox Theological Seminary;
82 Highway str., Moscow, 109383, Russian Federation
paul.quest@nextmail.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-0656-1135