на русском

I. Theology

Nikolay Samoilov, archpriest Dmitry Polokhov, Anton Oskoma

The Concept of Terrenus in the Treatises of St. Augustine Aurelius "On True Religion" and "On the Book of Genesis Literally"

For citation:

Samoilov N., Polokhov D., archpriest, Oskoma A. Kontsept terrenus v traktatakh blazhennogo Avgustina Avreliya «Ob istinnoy religii» i «O Knige Bytiya bukval'no» [The Concept of Terrenus in the Treatises of St. Augustine Aurelius “On True Religion” and “On the Book of Genesis Literally”] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 2 (25). pp. 11–28. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_11

Abstract: This article offers a contextual study of the concept of terrenus in the treatises of Blessed Aurelius Augustine "On True Religion" and "On the Book of Genesis Literally". Based on the analysis of the use of the adjective "terrenus" in the above treatises, the author concludes that, although all the basic provisions of the concept have already been set out in the treatise "On True Religion", in the treatise "On the Book of Genesis Literally" they, appearing in a new context, clarify some provisions implicitly contained already at an early stage of the development of this concept. Thus, in the sociopolitical theory of St. Augustine, a number of key concepts and terms are highlighted, one of the most important is the noun "civitas", which has several semantic meanings — "commune", "community" or "city", and the corresponding definitions associated with it are Dei — "Divine", caelestis — "heavenly", or diaboli — "diabolical" and, of direct interest, terrena — "earthly".

Keywords: St. Augustine; St. Augustine of Hippo; De vera religione; De Genesi ad litteram; terrenus; this world; historical, social and political concepts of St. Augustine.


Authors information:

Nikolay Samoilov;

Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: leviafan101218@yandex.ru

Archpriest Dmitry Polokhov;
Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;
Head of the Department of Theology, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Theological Work;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: polokhov@mail.ru;
ORCID: 0000-0001-6605-3461

Anton Oskoma;
Head of the Department of Distance Learning, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Church History;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: my_personal_mail_box@mail.ru

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Archpriest Maxim Pastukhov

"Sermon on Law and Grace": Analyzing the Christology of the Literary Monument

For citation:

Pastukhov M., archpriest. «Slovo o zakone i blagodati»: analiz khristologii literaturnogo pamyatnika ["Sermon on Law and Grace": Analyzing the Christology of the Literary Monument] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 2 (25). pp. 29–44. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_29

Abstract: This article is a theological analysis of the work "Word on Law and Grace" through the prism of the Christology of the OrthodoX Church. The Old Russian monument was created in the context of St. Hilarion of Kiev’s activity in catechizing believers and conveying the fundamentals of Christian doctrine through poetic and rhetorical forms. The author attaches importance to Christology as a central element in understanding the historical process. St. Hilarion also enters into a polemic with heterodoX views. He emphasizes the divine-human nature of the Savior and the role of oikonomia in the process of human history, which are the key themes in his theological reflections and arguments. In addition, the author builds a coherent argumentation around New Testament subjects, establishing a connection with the prophecies of the Old Testament and the historical event of the Baptism of Rus’. On the one hand, the saint succeeded in creating an original concept of the divine election of the Russian people with an appeal to the text of Holy Scripture, and on the other hand, he succeeded in conveying the foundations of OrthodoX Christology to the believers of the Russian Church.

Keywords: Christology, Soteriology, Grace, Godman, Salvation History, Byzantium, Jerusalem, Rus’, Ancient Church, Jews, Gnostics, Docetism, Nestorianism, Arianism, Heresy.


Author information:

Archpriest Maxim Pastukhov;

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theology;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: tut_maksim@mail.ru

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Priest Sergei Shatalov

Religious Upbringing of Youth: Social Aspects

For citation:

Shatalov S., priest. Religioznoye vospitaniye molodezhi: sotsial'nyye aspekty [Religious Upbringing of Youth: Social Aspects] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 2 (25). pp. 45–62. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_45

Abstract: Addressing the topic of religious upbringing of youth today is very relevant, since religion is one of the social institutions that plays a significant role in the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in our country. The specificity of the current situation among young people is the presence of a large number of baptized young people, but not churchgoers, so working with young people in the field of religious upbringing is more pressing than ever. The article reveals the concept of religious upbringing, understood as the unity of content, forms and methods of transmitting the cultural religious experience of a person’s conversion to God and communication with the Creator, and highlights the purpose of OrthodoX religious upbringing and its structure. The implementation of religious upbringing should be carried out on two levels, since it is based on two types of laws. The first of them was received by people from God, the second one is determined in accordance with the social structure of human society. Therefore, one of these planes is of a spiritual and mystical nature, the second one is endowed with a rational essence. The relationship between religious upbringing and the process of human socialization has been clarified. The views of modern youth on religious upbringing are revealed, the features of spiritual values that prevail among young people and have a negative impact on the development of personality are clarified. The author reveals the priority forms and directions of work with young people within the Russian OrthodoX Church, focuses on the significant role in the religious upbringing of young people played by OrthodoX youth organizations and associations created on the initiative of both the Russian OrthodoX Church and the youth themselves, and clarifies the features of work on religious upbringing in secondary vocational institutions. The problems that arise in the process of the religious upbringing of young people are also identified.

Keywords: youth, religious upbringing, OrthodoX pedagogy, personality formation, religious life, Christian values.


Author information:

Priest Sergei Shatalov;

Student of Master's course, Minsk Theological Academy named after St. Cyril, Bishop of Turov;
27 Zybitskaya str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus;
Email: spp-5@mail.ru

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II. History

Pavel Solovev

From Schism to Edinoverie: The Motivation of the Religious Choice of the Old Believers in the Second Half of the XIX — Early XX Century

For citation:

Solovev P. Iz raskola v yedinoveriye: motivatsiya religioznogo vybora staroobryadtsev vo vtoroy polovine XIX — nachale XX veka [From Schism to Edinoveriye: The Motivation of the Religious Choice of the Old Believers in the Second Half of the XIX — Early XX Century] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 1 (25). pp. 63–78. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_63

Abstract: The study examines the main aspects of the Old Believers' polemic with the Edinoverie in the second half of the XIX — early XX century. The main content of the work is the analysis of the religious motivation of those Old Believers-schismatics who decided to join the Russian OrthodoX Church on the terms of the rules of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin) of Moscow. Among the most important reasons that largely determined the confessional choice of edinovertsy were the possibility of canonical unity and liturgical communion with the Church while preserving the traditional religious way of life, the inferiority of the priestly hierarchy or its complete absence, as well as the deformation of pre-Canonical rites and the lack of sacramental content of worship in Old Believers’ concordances. Archival documents, materials of the OrthodoX Church and church missionary literature of the Russian periodicals were used as sources in the article.

Keywords: OrthodoX Old Believers (the edinoverie), the rules of Metropolitan Platon (Levshin), Old Believers, schism, the history of the Russian OrthodoX Church.


Author information:

Pavel Solovev;
applicant for the degree of Candidate of Sciences in History, Saratov State University;
83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation;
Email: solovjev.pasha2014@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-2258-1331

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Priest Evgeny Vdovin

The Biased Position of Soviet and Modern Historians on the Priests’ Participation in the Black Hundred Movement Using the Example of the Obsharovka Events of October 27–29, 1905

For citation:

Vdovin E., priest. Angazhirovannaya pozitsiya sovetskikh i sovremennykh istorikov ob uchastii svyashchenstva v chernosotennom dvizhenii na primere Obsharovskikh sobytiy 27–29 oktyabrya 1905 goda [The Biased Position of Soviet and Modern Historians on the Priests’ Participation in the Black Hundred Movement Using the Example of the Ob sharovka Events of October 27–29, 1905] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 1 (25). pp. 79–94. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_79

Abstract: This article focuses on the events that took place in the village of Obsharovka of Samara county, Samara province in October 1905. These events are of interest to us because, firstly, at that time they caused a wide public response. Secondly, they were included in a number of works by historians of the Soviet period as a vivid example of the priests’ participation in the Black Hundred movement which led the suppression of a peaceful revolutionary demonstration. In our opinion, these events despite the extensive archival materials have been highlighted by Soviet historians in a completely biased way. Nevertheless, modern historians rest on these corrupted interpretations as reliable historiographical materials. This article uses well-preserved archival materials of the investigation of these events by the provincial commission to restore the picture of what happened in the most detailed way.

Keywords: the village of Obsharovka, New Kostychi, Obsharovka events, October 27–29, 1905, church and teachers’ school, I.A. Dyakov, Priest Blagomyslov, police officer Derbenev, doctor A.G. Kryazhimsky, teacher A. Slovokhotov, Pavel Lebedkov, “Samarskaya Gazeta”, “Obsharovsky horrors”, “Samara Courier”.


Author information:

Priest Evgeny Vdovin;

Student of Master's course, Minsk Theological Academy named after St. Cyril, Bishop of Turov;
27 Zybitskaya str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus;
Email: vdovin.72@internet.ru

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Archpriest Kirill Krasnoshchekov

“An Atheist’s Breviary”: Theory and Practice of Civil Ritual in the USSR

For citation:

Krasnoshchekov K., archpriest. «Trebnik ateista»: teoriya i praktika grazhdanskoy obryadnosti v SSSR [“An Atheist’s Breviary”: Theory and Practice of Civil Ritual in the USSR] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 2 (25). pp. 95–110. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_95

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the book “Socialist Rituals”. Kyiv. 1985, which outlines the theory and practice of civil rituals in the late USSR. This manual may well be called an “Аn atheistic breviary”, designed to replace the church breviary. The work shows the artificiality and lifelessness of Soviet civil rituals, considered by its creators primarily as an element of persecution of the Russian OrthodoX Church. The inability of Soviet civil rituals to satisfy human spiritual needs has been proven. The main, unsolved task of the creators of non-religious civil rituals was to find means of persuasion and evidence of its effectiveness. The article shows how, in order to impart a certain “spirituality” to civil rites, the authors of the manual consciously or unconsciously use the method of mental associations. New Soviet rituals are analyzed — “rites of the calendar cycle”, “solemn registration of marriage”, “solemn registration of a newborn”, “civil funeral services”.

Keywords: Soviet civil rituals, overcoming religious holidays and rituals, atheistic propaganda, method of mental associations “solemn registration of marriage”, “solemn registration of a newborn”, “civil funeral services”.


Author information:
Archpriest Kirill Krasnoshchekov;
Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;
Head of the Department of Church History;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: o.kirill@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7046-7592

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Book Reviews

Mikhail Kovshov

Relationships and Influences of the Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon (on Tyndale's New Commentary)

Book review: Alan J. Thompson. Colossians and Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary. Downers Grove (Ill): IVP Academic, 2022. 280 pp.

For citation:

Kovshov M. Vzaimosvyazi i vliyaniya Poslaniy k Kolossyanam i Filimonu (o novom kommentarii Tindeyla) [Relationships and Influences of the Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon (on Tyndale's New Commentary)]. Book review: Alan J. Thompson. Colossians and Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary. Downers Grove (Ill): IVP Academic, 2022. 280 pp. // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2024. No 2 (25). pp. 111–117. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2024_25_111


Author information:
Mikhail Kovshov;
Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;
Associate Professor of the Department of Biblical Studies;
Moscow Theological Academy;
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russian Federation;
Perervinskaya Orthodox Theological Seminary;
82 Highway str., Moscow, 109383, Russian Federation
Email: paul.quest@nextmail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-0656-1135

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