на русском

I. Theology


Archpriest Andrei Fadeev

The Cultic Milieu in Christopher Partridge's researches


For citation:

Fadeev A.Y., archpriest. Kul'tovaya sreda obshchestva v issledovaniyah Kristofera Partridzha [The Cultic Milieu in Christopher Partridge's researches] // Trudy Saratovskoj pravoslavnoj duhovnoj seminarii [Proceeding of the Saratov Orthodox Seminary]. 2023. № 3(22). рр. 11–25. DOI: 10/56621/27825884_2023_22_11


Abstract: Within the framework of this article, two concepts are specified and compared — "the Cultic Milieu" and "occulture". Comparison and analysis of the results of cultural and sociological approaches make it possible to distinguish their strengths and weaknesses. Transmitting religious narratives within cultural phenomena is the central idea behind the concept of "occulture". The concept of the Cultic Milieu was introduced into the scientific discourse by Colin Campbell in 1972. The Cultic Milieu as defined by its author is deviant beliefs and practices of the cultural underground, rooted in historical experience. Comparing the characteristics of these concepts reveals the degree of their heuristicity in the field of studying unconventional and non-institutionalized religiosity.


Keywords: The Cultic Milieu, the concept of C. Partridge's "oсculture", individual religiosity, unconventional religiosity, non-institutionalized religiosity, esotericism, hysterics, bricoler.



Author information:

Archpriest Andrei Fadeev;

Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;

Associate Professor, Department of Biblical Studies and Theology ;

Penza Orthodox Тheological Seminary;

4 Perekop str., Penza 440023, Russian Federation;

Email: fadeevandrei@mail.ru.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6973-6081

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Archpriest Dmitry Usoltsev, Archpriest Anatoly Strakhov

The theme of the end of the world in the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter

For citation:

Usoltsev D., archpriest, Strakhov A., archpriest. Tema kontsa mira vo Vtorom Poslanii apostola Petra [The theme of the end of the world in the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 26–42. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_26


Abstract: This article attempts to study the eschatological motives in the preaching of the Apostle Peter on the example of Chapter 3 of his Second Epistle. After analyzing the general context of biblical eschatology and studying the isagogical data regarding the given Epistle, the authors consider the socio-historical and ideological situation in the Christian world at the time of writing the Second Epistle of Peter. Issues related to the disputes concerning the authenticity of this message, as well as its connection with the apocryphal "Apocalypse of Peter" are touched upon. A textual and exegetical analysis of individual fragments of Chapter 3 is carried out. The theme of correlations between the eschatological teachings of the apostles Peter and Paul is analyzed. On the basis of the conducted analysis a conclusion is made about the place of the question of the end of the world in the sermon of the Apostle Peter as a whole as well as about the role of this issue in opposition of the Church to false teachings and schisms.


Keywords: Apostle Peter, Apostle Paul, Second Epistle of Peter, General Epistles, eschatology, apocalypse.



Authors information:

Archpriest Dmitry Usoltsev;

Candidate of Theology;
Associate Professor, Department of Biblical Studies, Secretary of the Academic Council;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: resurexit@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-1463-3648

Archpriest Anatoly Strakhov;
Candidate of Theology;
Associate Professor, Department of Biblical Studies;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: s.vostok@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0001-5580-6173

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Archpriest Sergei Shturbabin, Kristina Petrova

The dogma of papal infallibility in the Roman Catholic Church: doctrine and social aspects

For citation:

Shturbabin S., archpriest, Petrova K. Dogmat o papskoy nepo- greshimosti v Rimsko-Katolicheskoy Tserkvi: verouchitel'nyye i sotsial'nyye aspekty [The dogma of papal infallibility in the Roman Catholic Church: doctrine and social aspects] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 43–60. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_43


Abstract: Thе article analyzes the theological and historical features of the declaration of the dogma of papal infallibility. Considering that this very provision of the modern Catholic teaching is interpreted by many OrthodoX theologians as one of the key and insurmountable differences between OrthodoXy and Catholicism, it seems quite relevant to raise the question of how this dogma is inherent in the theological logic of Catholicism. The analysis of the historical, canonical, socio-political prerequisites for the development of the doctrine of papal infallibility reveals the determining influence of the socio-political component on the acceptance of this doctrine. The study also provides an overview of the main directions of the reception of the decision of the First Vatican Council and concludes that the social component has been underestimated by many researchers.


Keywords: Roman Catholic Church, Pope of Rome, First Vatican Council, papism, conciliarism, papal infallibility, Infallibilitas, ex cathedra, comparative theology.



Authors information:

Archpriest Sergei Shturbabin;

Candidate of Theology;
Associate Professor, Department of Church History, Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Rector;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: rectorsarpds@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-3836-8500

Kristina Petrova;
Junior researcher, Lecturer, Department of Theology;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: petra-velikaya@ya.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-4529-6709

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Dmitry Semenenko

The current state of Christianity in Southeast Asia: problems and prospects of missionary activity

For citation:

Semenenko D. Sovremennoye sostoyaniye khristianstva v Yugo- Vostochnoy Azii: problemy i perspektivy missionerskoy deyatel'nosti [The current state of Christianity in Southeast Asia: problems and prospects of missionary activity] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 61–79. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_61


Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the position of Christianity in Southeast Asia. The text analyzes the historical, social, geopolitical, economic, ethnic, cultural and other aspects of the region under study. The history of the Christianization of the region within the framework of the main branches of Christianity is briefly reproduced. The role of the missionary efforts of the Russian OrthodoX Church in this region is noted. The phenomenon of the formation of mega-churches in the region is touched upon. The main research attention is focused on the current position of Christianity in Southeast Asia. Considerable attention is paid to the so-called "Islamic revival" in the region, as well as to the peculiarities of the interaction of Christianity with Islam and Buddhism. The main problems and contradictions that impede the Christianization of the region are analyzed.


Keywords: Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, megachurch, Chinese Mission, Patriarchal EXarchate of Southeast Asia.



Author information:

Dmitry Semenenko;

postgraduate student, Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute of Post-Graduate Studies;
4/2 Pyatnitskaya str., bld. 1, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation;

Email: semenenkods@yandex.ru

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II. Philosophy


Mikhail Bogatov

Correlation of practical prudence (φρόνησις) and wisdom (σοφία) in Aristotle's ethical project


For citation:

Bogatov M. Sootnosheniye prakticheskoy rassuditel'nosti (φρόνησις) i mudrosti (σοφία) v eticheskom proyekte Aristotelya [Correlation of practical prudence (φρόνησις) and wisdom (σοφία) in Aristotle's ethical project] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 80–90. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_80


Abstract: This article focuses on the divergence of views on the leading role of wisdom between the young Aristotle and Plato. While Plato unequivocally assignes a dominant role in the entire hierarchy of human abilities to wisdom (σοφία), and therefore believes that only a sage can be happy, Aristotle carefully frees up space for the opportunity to be happy for those people who are not directly involved in philosophy. Subsequently, this project of Aristotle manifests itself in all its force in his Ethics. Based on fragments of the Protrepticus, the earliest text of Aristotle that has come down to us, we follow the Aristotelian strategy of separating wisdom (σοφία) from practical judgment (φρόνησις).


Keywords: Aristotle, Plato, wisdom, practical prudence, happiness.



Author information: :

Mikhail Bogatov;

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor;
Professor, Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy;
Saratov State University;
10A Volskaya str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;

Email: m_bogatov@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-2831-918X

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III. History

Sergey Maksimov

The problem of the transmission of the Latin titles of Origen's treatise “On First Principles” in manuscripts of the gamma family

For citation:

Maximov S. Problema peredachi latinskikh titulov traktata Origena «O nachalakh» v rukopisyakh semeystva gamma [The problem of the transmission of the Latin titles of Origen's treatise “On First Principles” in manuscripts of the gamma family] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 91–110. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_91

Abstract: The article analyzes the manuscripts of the gamma family of the Latin translation of Origen’s treatise “On First Principles” in order to study the transmission of the Latin titles of the work. A review of critical editions of the treatise and scientific literature related to the study of the history of transmission of its Latin titles is given. Conclusions of the previous articles suggesting correcting Latin manuscript stemma presented in modern critical editions of the treatise are summarized. The author focuses on the table of contents of the treatise, which is presented in most gamma manuscripts. The data of other works included in all gamma manuscripts is used to clarify the problem under study. The theory of the existence of notes in the margins of the archetype of all known manuscripts of Origen’s “On First Principles”, proposed in foreign studies, is discussed. Based on the above data, important shortcomings of this theory are shown.

Keywords: Origen, On First Principles, Latin manuscript tradition, structural interpretation, table of contents.




Archpriest Kirill Krasnoshchekov

Saratov church intelligentsia during the years of persecution: Materials for the biography of A.A. Solovyov


For citation:

Krasnoshchekov K., archpriest. Saratovskaya tserkovnaya intelligentsiya v gody goneniy. Materialy k biografii A.A. Solov'yeva [Saratov church intelligentsia during the years of persecution: Materials for the biography of A.A. Solovyov] // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 111–124. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_111


Abstract: The article collects and systematizes biographical materials about the life of the most prominent representative of the Saratov church intelligentsia in 1920–1930, Alexander Aleksandrovich Solovyov, who played an important role in upholding OrthodoXy in Saratov. A. A. Solovyov, a lawyer by education, as a very young man led the lay resistance to the Renovationist turmoil of 1922. During the most difficult years for the Church in 1922–23, at the age of 25 he was one of the leaders of the Saratov church life, thanks to him the renovationists in the Saratov diocese achieved almost nothing. In the 1930s, during the campaign to close churches, the rectors and members of the parish councils of the churches of Saratov turned to Alexander Alexandrovich for legal assistance. Understanding perfectly well the danger to which he exposed himself, Alexander Alexandrovich again entered the struggle for the Church. For the first time, the article introduces into scientific circulation the materials of two archival and investigative cases from the Archive of the Federal Security Service of the Saratov Region.


Keywords: Alexander Alexandrovich Solovyov, persecution of the Russian OrthodoX Church, Renovationist schism, closure of churches in the 1930s, repressions.



Author information:
Archpriest Kirill Krasnoshchekov;
Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor;
Head of the Department of Church History;
Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary;
92 Michurina str., Saratov, 410028, Russian Federation;
Email: o.kirill@list.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7046-7592

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Book Reviews

Mikhail Kovshov

The Epistle to the Hebrews "Verse by Verse": on a new commentary on the most Old Testament letter of the Holy Apostle Paul

Book Reviews: Osborne G.R., Guthrie G.H. Hebrews: Verse by Verse / Osborne New Testament Commen- taries. Bellingham (WА): Lexham Press, 2021. 360 р.

For citation:

Kovshov M. Poslaniye k Yevreyam «stikh za stikhom»: o novom kommentarii k samomu vetkhozavetnomu pis'mu svyatogo apostola Pavla [The Epistle to the Hebrews "Verse by Verse": on a new commentary on the most Old Testament letter of the Holy Apostle Paul]. Book review: Osborne G.R., Guthrie G.H. Hebrews: Verse by Verse / Osborne New Testament Commen- taries. Bellingham (WА): Lexham Press, 2021. 360 р. // Trudy Saratovskoi pravoslavnoi dukhovnoi seminarii. [Proceedings of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary]. 2023. No 3 (22). pp. 125–135. DOI: 10.56621/27825884_2023_22_125
